At Simcox Brokers, we can arrange tailored Contractors All Risk insurance for Construction businesses.
As a independent construction insurance brokers, we have built strong working relationships with a wide panel of specialist insurers in the construction sector and can assist you throughout the application process, helping best present your firm to the insurers and fully supporting you in the event of a claim.
We have access to a suite of specialist Contractors All Risk Insurance providers, specifically designed to cover the risks faced by construction firms
Our dedicated team of construction insurance brokers work regularly with construction companies working on a variety of long term and single projects. Our experience in the area helps us identify risks and confidently assist you in finding the best possible risk mitigation and insurance solutions for your business
We offer clients comprehensive insurance protection against contract work, documents, plant, materials risks and much more. Coverage is tailored to offer a bespoke construction solution.
Independent & Specialist Insurance Broker
Transparent & Simple Communication
Friendly & Personable Approach
Valuable insight and industry knowledge
Understands your industry specific risks
Impartial & objective
Consultative approach
Access to a wide panel of Insurers
Comprehensive selection of products & services
Contractors all risk insurance is a flexible policy designed to meet the needs of construction companies on building sites. Coverage typically includes cover for the contract work undertaken and provides cover for the building works itself, whether completed or in progress. It also includes cover for drawings, all tools, plant and equipment, which are stored on or immediately next to the site on which you are working, against theft, loss or damage, including those which have been hired in for use on the site. Policies can also be extended to provide cover for the following:
· Loss or damage to temporary buildings and any plant or tools stored within them
· Public liability
· Product liability
· Employers' liability
· JCT contract cover
With a vast variety of different work places comes an equally diverse range of different risks and perils – all of which may threaten your ability to be able carry out the work you have been contracted to do.
Although construction sites are likely to vary from one place to another, they share a common threat which is the risk of theft, loss, or damage to tools, equipment and materials you own and use. Not only are all of these expensive to buy and replace, but they are essential to you being able to do the job. Without them, you are likely to be unable to fulfil your obligation to complete the contract in the required time which could in turn result in further financial costs being incurred by you.
What determines the cost of a Contractors All Risk insurance policy?
As experienced construction insurance brokers, we will guide you on all the factors that insurers consider when considering a premium for contractors all risk cover. These can include your areas of work i.e. low or high risk, your experience, your qualifications and your claims history. They may also look at your fee income and the types of contracts you get involved with, taking into consideration the total contract value, as well as your own fees. Insurers might also request information about what risk management procedures you have put in place.
In order to get the best insurance premiums from the insurers, it is very important to put together a clear and accurate proposal. Your proposal will need to include information about your experience, the services you provide to your clients and the procedures you have in place to mitigate your risk. This information will also be used by your insurance broker to negotiate the most competitive premium for you.
Is professional indemnity insurance required in addition to a contractor all risk policy?
Professional Indemnity insurance in the construction industry is designed to protect contractors and sub-contractors in the event that a claim is made against them for allegations relating to errors in their work, incorrect designs or professional negligence that causes their client a financial loss. This is a separate cover available within some contractors all risk policies and sometimes offered as a stand-alone cover. It is not necessarily required by law, but may be required in some client contracts or by some governing bodies.
Can I get a contractors all risk insurance policy for a term shorter than one year?
Yes. Contractors all risk can be purchased on an annual basis as per most insurance policies, but can also be purchased for a single project, ensuring you are adequately protected during the duration of the project.
Do Construction Companies require Cyber Insurance?
Regardless of the industry you work in, or your level of computer based work, as experienced construction insurance brokers and the claims we have seen arise, we encourage all companies to review their risk and need for Cyber Insurance and are here to support you through this process to make sure you have the right level of protection in place.
With increased use of technology, we believe it is unlikely that your business is not at risk from cybercrime in some way shape or form, with potential cyber risks such as data breaches, fund transfer fraud, ransomware and phishing amongst others, being areas where many businesses in the construction industry are still unprotected!
I have my own construction business; do I need Directors & Officers Insurance?
Within any company, the Directors will have specific duties and responsibilities, so there so potential for them to become personally liable if they are found to be in breach of these duties.
This could be the result of litigation from parties such as regulatory bodies creditors, or shareholders.
If a legal action is brought against a director or officer for an alleged wrongful act, Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance will cover their legal defence costs, as well as any expenses.

After drowning in complicated forms, confusing small print and expensive quotes, Simcox Brokers were like a breath of fresh air – clear, informative and approachable. They managed to negotiate a very competitive quote, saving me over 25% from the previous year. Excellent service, thanks
Simcox Brokers have provided me with an excellent service this year, not just in providing quality insurance cover and advice but also in support too. I had a claim during the year which (not through our or Simcox’s fault) lasted for around five months and their support throughout has been fantastic in terms of guiding me, keeping me regularly updated without me having to prompt and reassuring me. They made the whole process much simpler and so much less stressful than it could have been. Thank you to the Simcox team!