We've helped numerous businesses with often complicated insurance proposals. In one case, an architect faced difficulty when their insurer attempted to apply a blanket exclusion and much higher excess in respect of work performed which they deemed as high risk (basement work). As soon as our brokers got on the case and understood the architect's exposure in this area, we knew exactly how we could demonstrate their ability to reduce the perceived risk. We presented a new application with a more in-depth analysis which satisfied the insurers to such an extent that they were happy to re-word the exclusion to the satisfaction of the client and reduce the excess originally demanded.
One of our clients is involved in building critical IT software, they found that insurers struggled to fully understand what their business did. Simcox Brokers worked diligently with the client to put together a clear and concise brief to present the business and demonstrate the client had robust risk management procedures in place to mitigate their exposure. The business proved to be an attractive proposition for our panel of insurers, and we negotiated a very competitive premium coupled with a comprehensive policy which covered all their activities. In effect, we made the unquotable business quotable!

A property owner had a £95K subsidence claim where part of their property had to be completely knocked down, underpinned and rebuilt. At the renewal, their current insurers increased their premium significantly and excluded subsidence cover on their policy. The insured was very concerned that they did not have cover for subsidence so approached Simcox Brokers to see if they could source an alternative quote. We were able to work closely with our client and put together a comprehensive presentation which demonstrated that this problem had been rectified to the insurer's satisfaction. Our expert insurance brokers negotiated a new policy on their behalf, which not only provided full cover for subsidence but provided them with a lower excess and a reduction in their renewal premium of 20%. All round this was a great result!